Does anyone have experience with OpenME ( I tried to install, but while there is little knowledge, there are a lot of errors, some specific version of Rebol may be needed. Perhaps there are other alternatives to AltME/IOS or their code is available for learning?
posted by: Sergey_Vl 16-Jun-2022/6:31:25-7:00
I wrote the chat clients a long time ago. I doubt that they still work.
posted by: Graham 18-Jul-2022/14:36:18-7:00
I wrote the chat clients a long time ago. I doubt that they still work.
posted by: Graham 18-Jul-2022/14:36:22-7:00
И сервер, и клиент есть, если они работали долгое время, то я не думаю, что есть веские причины не работать сейчас. Мы всегда можем использовать более старые версии необходимого программного обеспечения.
posted by: Sergey_Vl 19-Jul-2022/3:33:15-7:00
Sorry... Both the server and the client are there, if they worked for a long time, then I don’t think there are good reasons not to work now. We can always take older versions of the required software.
posted by: Sergey_Vl 19-Jul-2022/3:34:28-7:00