Sticky: IMPORTANT - Permalinks
To link to any topic in this forum, be sure to use the "Permalink" URL at the top of each topic page. Links which include "topicnumber=<#>&archiveflag=new" will point to changing topics as new posts are added (the topicnumber is it's current position in the topic list). Permalinks containing "f=printtopic&permalink=" will always link to the same topic, even after being added to the archive.
posted by: Nick 4-Dec-2012/0:20:15-8:00
Try clicking the "Permalink" above to see the URL that should be used for linking.
posted by: Nick 4-Dec-2012/0:21:31-8:00
Why don't you number threads? There is also the cript for long integers: Or you can start the url we the date of thread creation, so threads are unique.
posted by: MaxV 21-Dec-2012/4:09:18-8:00
Just a matter of finding time to make the permalink the default display link.
posted by: Nick 22-Dec-2012/23:35:14-8:00
hey i am new to rebol, may you give me some help with some good references to learn from? thank you
posted by: jazyoff 7-Feb-2017/6:22:32-8:00
I'am using Rebol already long time - the best script-language. I can do things, that i can't do with another languages. BUT why the development of Rebol was stoped? Why i can't run Rebol-Scripts (with GUI) on Red or R3? It is the same language!
posted by: unieasy 22-Feb-2018/8:19:32-8:00