Display a image for a few seconds before the main window.
Hi there , i have a great GUI Ready and want to display a image for about 4 seconds before the main Window opens. Dont know how to unview. Here is the code : view center-face layout [ image load %hs_soft.gif ] wait delay: 4 unview wait delay is working but only after manually closing the layout. How to make the delay DURING the layout ? After this the main layout should open ! WBR MH
posted by: Mennohexo 28-Jun-2017/15:35:50-7:00
The best solution is to display only the image in the center screen for 4 seconds. Without a layout. Then the GUI Window as layout should appear. It's a LOGO Display. a little bit Show.
posted by: Mennohexo 28-Jun-2017/16:30-7:00
Use the /NEW refinement on VIEW: view/new center-face layout [ image load %hs_soft.gif ] wait delay: 4 unview
posted by: Sunanda 28-Jun-2017/19:45:51-7:00
ha ha haaaaaaaaaaa. Cool. That works.
posted by: Mennohexo 29-Jun-2017/5:06:59-7:00
When i think of FACE , i remember Face-Man from the A-Team. That's true anyway.
posted by: Mennohexo 30-Jun-2017/15:37:27-7:00
You can also use 'flash, again, a few characters shorter: flash [image logo.gif] ; do something wait 4 unview
posted by: Nick 2-Jul-2017/5:28:54-7:00
Note that can also use the view/new technique to handle events and to perform other evaluations: R E B O L [] view/new w: layout [ btn "1" [face/text: 1 + (do face/text) show face] ] forever [ if not viewed? w [unview break] wait .1 show w ]
posted by: Nick 2-Jul-2017/5:50:29-7:00