Has anyone used Rebol to participate in AdventofCode?
I came across Advent of Code ( https://adventofcode.com/2024 )(again?) recently and decided to see how far Meta could bring me. I learned a few things. Also relative unknown concepts that will be interesting to create in Meta. But a lot of stuff is parsing strings and using sets/maps/dicts and that made me curious if there are guys who used Rebol to do these tasks? Also found an interesting blogpost about using a special language to help with common tasks https://blog.vero.site/post/noulith
posted by: iArnold 19-Dec-2024/1:32:10-8:00
I used Rye, which is based on Rebol, althougt it looks a little different for first 3 days. Code for first day is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ryelang/comments/1h4cl02/advent_of_code_2024_day_1/ Other 2 days in sibling posts.
posted by: Janko 23-Dec-2024/15:12:20-8:00
Interesting. It looks more like bash scripting than Rebol yes. I used Meta to crack some of the problems. Did not yet post my solutions. My day1 solution part 1&2 is 'only' 150 lines, but it has a lot of air like comments, prints, emptylines, declarations on seperate lines that could be combined etc.
posted by: iArnold 24-Dec-2024/4:03:21-8:00