R2 and R3 Differences
Based on the question at http://rebolforum.com/index.cgi?f=printtopic&permalink=Rex5-Jan-2014/6:47:03-8:00&archiveflag=new , I created a quick automated list of words and function definitions in R2 and R3. Perhaps it will help if you're looking at differences between the two versions: http://re-bol.com/r2-r3-words-and-functions.zip
posted by: Nick 7-Jan-2014/11:07:12-8:00
As mentioned in that post, be sure to check out http://www.codeconscious.com/rebol/r2-to-r3.html for a nice list of differences between R2 and R3. I also covered some basic differences between R2 VID and R3-GUI at http://business-programming.com/business_programming.html#section-18.3
posted by: Nick 7-Jan-2014/11:08:35-8:00